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Paranormal Researchers of South Florida
EVP (electronic voice phenomenon) Evidence
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Within ghost hunting and parapsychology, Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) are sounds found on electronic recordings that are interpreted as spirit voices that have been either unintentionally recorded or intentionally requested and recorded. Parapsychologist Konstantīns Raudive, who popularized the idea in the 1970s, described EVP as typically brief, usually the length of a word or short phrase.
If you're unable to hear the voices on the EVP recordings, please be patient and play the messages back several times. It may be necessary to listen with headphones in order to cancel out background noise. Some voices are more easily heard than others. Enjoy! *NEW EVIDENCE COMING SOON!
This is the Kenilworth Lodge in Sebring, FL. It was during a Conference for Paranormal Investigative Teams when we captured this EVP. "Am I Alive or Am I Dead"?
This clip was captured during a Residential Investigation. A Blindfold was going to be used for an experiment later on in our investigation. Diane mentions that she's still holding on to Donna's blindfold. The client's cat's name is Pippa. She took a liking to us and joined our investigation! "Put the Blindfold on her." and then... "Pippa, Pippa" as he's calling the cat!
This EVP was captured while using an ICT Box Application on an android cell phone. You can hear the application in the background. Donna was asking if they knew that they were no longer with us and although she was trying NOT to be rude, she was informed otherwise. "You're rude. You talk too much"!
This Ghost Box Communication was captured during a Residential Investigation in which the Client claimed to have seen her deceased grandfather in her Kitchen. Her Grandfather's name was Bill. "I'm Bill"!
This EVP was captured during the same investigation as the video on the left. One of our client's claims was of seeing a little girl in the garage/laundry/play area. Kari, Diane & Donna were experiencing KII activity. While it's difficult to validate KII activity as being Paranormal, this EVP validates the investigators' experience with aces!
"I did it. Trying". It sounds just like a little girl!
This EVP was captured near the end of our investigation. We had a KII meter out and the color changed. We thought it might have been Kari's phone which was near by (as you hear Kari mention on the audio. We were surprised to capture this response, "I know what it is. It's Science."